Frequently Asked Questions
Your relationship with your therapist is an important part of the therapy experience. Each therapist has types of issues that they specialize in working on and has specific approaches for those issues. Check out each provider’s page, and choose the therapist that stands out to you. You can also get a better sense of a therapist by reading some of the blogs or looking at their individual websites. If someone stands out to you, contact them directly to schedule a consultation.
Each therapist at Cove Mountain maintains their own schedule, and we do not have a receptionist or scheduler. Please contact the provider you’re interested in working with to find out which appointment days and times they currently have available.
Some of our providers are in network with some insurance panels. This may be listed on their individual provider page. If it is not, please contact the provider directly regarding participation on insurance panels. We have provided some general guidelines and information around insurance benefits for behavioral health services below:
Insurance is an agreement between you and your insurance company as to how your counseling will be paid for. This benefits agreement can usually be found either on the website of your insurance carrier or by calling the number on the back of your insurance card. Insurance may cover some or all of the cost of therapy. Please call the number on the back of your insurance card to verify your behavioral health benefits. It is helpful to ask the following questions:
· Do I have mental health insurance benefits?
· What is my deductible and has it been met?
· How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?
· What is the coverage amount per therapy session?
· Is approval required from my primary care physician?
The No Surprises Act
The No Surprises Act was enacted in 2020 with the goal of protecting patients from unexpected bills for healthcare services, such as charges for out-of-network emergency care. Many of its provisions do not apply directly to us as the providers at Cove Mountain Counseling or to you as our patients. However, beginning January 1, 2022, each provider is required to provide you with a good faith estimate of the cost of their services if you are self pay or are out of network for your insurance company. Please ask your individual therapist for a good faith estimate of the cost of your therapy with them. The law requires that you, the patient, be informed of the availability of a good faith estimate and that such a form be given to you 3 days prior to the first appointment and upon request. If there are changes in fees to you, the patient, then a new good faith estimate must be provided.
In Network
In-network means that your therapist has contracted with your insurance company to provide services for a contracted rate. If your therapist is in-network with your insurance, they will file claims for your insurance company, and you are responsible for copays and deductibles as they are determined by your insurance company. We are in-network with a few insurance panels and are able to accept insurance with those panels. Please check with your therapist regarding participation on panels.
Out of Network
Out of Network means that your therapist does not have a contract with your insurance company. If your therapist is out of network then you will be responsible for payment for your session at the time of service. Your therapist will give you a form called a “superbill”. A superbill is simply a specialized invoice that you can file with your insurance carrier to be reimbursed for some of the cost of your counseling session. In some cases, your therapist is able to file out of network claims for you as a courtesy to you. In this case, you will need to pay for the full cost of your session at the time of service, and your therapist will file the claim for you rather than using a superbill.
Address: 309 High Street, Maryville, Tennessee, 37804
Cove Mountain Counseling is located in the historic Lillian House in Maryville, Tennessee. Lillian House is a beautiful, turn-of-the-century home that has been renovated for offices. High ceilings, wood floors, and large windows make this a welcoming and soothing place to visit.
There is no receptionist. At your appointment time, please come upstairs to the waiting room. Due to the historic style of the building, it is not equipped with a ramp or elevator to reach our floor. Have a seat, and your therapist will come to get you at your appointment time. Your therapist will give you any specific instructions ahead of your appointment.